"중동 사태로 뛸 줄 알았는데"…'이달만 -16%' 원유 ETN 수익률 급락

WTI 선물, 7월 말 이래 가장 낮은 77달러 선…관련 ETN 하락세
글로벌 경기 위축·中수요 둔화 가능성↑…수요 회복 탄력 약화 전망

(FILES) In this file photo taken on October 21, 2019 a pumpjack from California-based energy company Signal Hill Petroleum is seen in Signal Hill, California. - The US benchmark crude oil price sank to its lowest level ever on April 20, 2020, falling below $10 a barrel amid the coronavirus pandemic's hit to demand and an epic supply glut.Around 1650 GMT, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for May delivery hit $7.90 per-barrel in New York trading. (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN / AFP) ⓒ AFP=뉴스1
(FILES) In this file photo taken on October 21, 2019 a pumpjack from California-based energy company Signal Hill Petroleum is seen in Signal Hill, California. - The US benchmark crude oil price sank to its lowest level ever on April 20, 2020, falling below $10 a barrel amid the coronavirus pandemic's hit to demand and an epic supply glut.Around 1650 GMT, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for May delivery hit $7.90 per-barrel in New York trading. (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN / AFP) ⓒ AFP=뉴스1

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